
Imagine a world without disease, a world without illness, hunger, hate, famine, or fear.

Here, sicknesses are “solved” before they even appear. Healthcare if a relic of ancient history.

In this futuristic society, there is no common cold, no cancer, no flu, no doctors, no death. Curing someone is as simple as putting a band-aid on a broken bone or popping a pill to get rid of that nasty, nagging cough.

Welcome to Clearscape, humanity’s last interstellar outpost, located in the far reaches of our solar system. It is the year 3051 A.D. All of humanity’s solar system “stations” have been wiped out from civil war and genocide.

Jaden Rue, a geneticist with a dangerous affinity for studying secrets which winds up getting him expelled from Earth, grew up on Earth. Jaden arrived on Clearscape during the “Exodus” of 3025 A.D.

Jaden was one of the “chosen”, a select group of genetically enhanced humans allowed to leave an overpopulated, all-but destroyed Earth due desirable genes.

But Jaden’s difference from the others has always been more than DNA-deep.

Jaden is one of the few humans left who remembers what life used to be like back on Earth. He is, after all, one of the ones responsible for destroying it.

Hellbent on bringing the elixirs of eternal life back to his loved ones and the people he left behind on Earth, Jaden will stop at nothing in his quest to bring the remarkable new technologies developed on Clearscape back to Earth.

But Jaden soon finds himself a pawn in a game much bigger than anything he could have ever imagined as he not only fights for his own life but for the fate of all mankind.

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